Обложка трека Echoes


Сегодня прослушана 1 раз

Текст песни

Verse 1
Darkness consumes me,
Lost in the shadows of my mind
Echoes of regret haunting me
Chasing memories I can't leave behind

Cry in the night, lost in the echo
Heartbreak and pain, my only companion
Wish I could turn back time
But these echoes of regret stay by my side

Tears stain my pillow,
As I linger in this empty room
Tears stain my pillow
In this endless cycle of gloom

Tears stain my pillow,
As I linger in this empty room
Tears stain my pillow
In this endless cycle of gloom

Verse 2
I search for a way out of this darkness
But the echoes of regret pull me back
I'm drowning in a sea of sorrow
Lost in the past, I fade to black

Cry in the night, lost in the echo
Heartbreak and pain, my only companion
Wish I could turn back time
But these echoes of regret stay by my side

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