Обложка трека Let You Down

Let You Down

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  • Пол

Текст песни

Verse 1
You think I'm in love with you
You think you are stronger
But you're so wrong now
You have put your spell on me
You're sure you have a chance to win
A chance to catch me
I don't want to let you down
But you have to take off your crown, crown, crown

Now try to win this war you started, honey
Don't you want to play by your rules? That's funny
You sure I am broken-hearted, sunny
I will never surrender, I'm gonna win this war

Verse 2
You are the one who's taking
But not giving back a thing
Don't play on my strings
You're getting kicks out of it
You're making all these tricks
Are you sure it's a right mix
I don't want to play around
But now you have to fight for the crown, crown, crown

Verse 3
You want it, you need it
You want it, you need it
I want it, I need it
I want it, I need it

Verse 4
I don't want to let you down
But face it you won't take the crown, crown, crown

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